Saturday, July 14, 2012

School Supplies

(Kyle grabbed some of the school supplies that he needed.)

Wow we just didn't realized that the summer is almost over and going to school will soon kicks in! Have you grab your school list already? I already have and in fact, we started buying supplies. Last year,  I waited 'til the last minute of shopping, hoping to find good buys, but I ended up spending more time of looking for it because most of it are gone. I went to 4 different stores to get the exact supplies that are listed. I could have purchase the already packed from the school but it would eradicate the fun of shopping with your kid. So this year, I decided to go ahead of time to get some of it. But Kyle expostulated with me about the school list because he wants to get what he wanted.  It is such a dilemma to go shopping with your child? 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How much we have?

When you go abroad you will amazed how much your dollar worth?
Buying a grocery for $20 dollars that can feed 10+ people is amazing! Seeing cheap gas prices everywhere makes you want to move and don't worry about buying high rocketing gas prices over here! Buying a case of soda  for $4 makes you want to buy the whole village. Watching them appreciate what they had, makes you realized how blessed we are over here! What got me when I saw the unfinished elementary school with just  posts stood still with roofs over it,  old looking desks where  the students sat,  a chalkboard and still no wall around it with a 90 degree temperature. Makes you appreciate your air conditioned over here. I salute the students and the dedicated teachers who are willing to fulfill their duty of educating them.
Makes you wonder how can we make a difference to the lives of these children?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Techno Wizzard

Are you looking for an innovative creativity? Why look for hassle and time consuming process. Pexagon Technology offers this chance! Grab it now because this is a rare opportunity.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Free Onion Rings

Burger King is giving away "Onion Rings" started yesterday and today is the last day. You will get your Onion Rings for free after purchases! It's a cheap and convenient way to have while watching Super Bowl!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Shopping with Family

It is beyond compare to have your family shop with you but it depends on what you are  shopping for. This week, I laid out and sorted out the coupons that I will need for grocery shopping. So I decided to go to the store right after getting off from work. But my husband and son decided to go shopping because he wants to see what's the sale for this week. I thought  this is FUN! When we got there he picked up some things that was mark on sale but I don't have the coupon to match it. But he refused to return it back because he thought that was a good buy. I adamantly insisted to go back home to get the coupon book to even save more. But he expostulated that it's just a waste of time and that he'll give me the amount to top on it. I said "arrrrgh...."
On the other hand Kyle was all over the place collecting coupons. He enjoyed it especially when the machine releases the coupon and he tried to mend my aggravations... However our trip was successful well partially successful because we ended up paying $29 which I aimed for $20 or less. We only saved a total of $46 of groceries. But to my husband it was a pretty good deal I think he enjoys shopping with coupons with me of course. We ended up getting several free stuff : free eggs, 2L Dr. Pepper, whole 12 pk of Diet Dr. Pepper, and more. I heart Publix.